Registration and licensing of factory
Approval, Licensing and Registration of Factories (Hazardous)
- Land Documents (deed of ownership/ lease, indicating Dag No. & Patta No., Total Area, etc.
- Clearance certificate from State/ Central Govt. under I.F.Act,1927 and E.P.Act,1986
- N.O.C. from Local authority in respect of location of such factory
- Site Plan showing details as indicated in item 3.1(a)-(e) & 3.4 of the application format
- Block diagram of the buildings and installations, in the proposed site
- Soil test report
- Contour Map of the area
- Project Report in detail
- Proposed Health and Safety Policy
- Meteorological data relating to the site (ref: Item No. 6.1 to 6.4 of the application format.)
- Process flow diagram with brief description of manufacturing process and technology
- Material Safety Data Sheet in respect of each hazardous substance
- Process Hazards Information (ref: Item No. 11.1 to 11.3 of the application format
- On-Site Emergency/ Disaster preparedness Plan and Off-Site Emergency Plan/ Mutual Aid Scheme
- Partnership deed in case of a firm or other association of individuals
- Articles of Association in case of a company along with list of directors/ shareholders
Brief Overview
An entrepreneur, intending to setup a factory involving a Hazardous process as defined under section 2 (cb) and specified in the First Schedule of the Factories Act,1948 is required to obtain previous permission of the State Government for its initial location or expansion of such factory by submitting application for appraisal of the site to the Chairman of the Site Appraisal Committee who is the Chief Inspector of the state in prescribed form along with 15 copies thereof. The Site Appraisal Committee shall examine the application and make its recommendation to the State Government. On getting approval from the State Government for the establishment or expansion of a factory involving hazardous process the entrepreneur shall follow the procedure for approval of Plans for construction or extension of factory building, installation of machinery, prime movers and/ or connection of electrical power and also for registration and licensing of the factory from the Chief Inspector of Factories, for the purpose of the said Act.
Overall process flow for the service
(a)Diagrammatic Form:

(b)Description of the sequence of steps depicted in the above diagram
The process flow consist of three stages, viz, (1) Site Appraisal, (2) Approval of plans and (3) Registration and Licensing
Stage 1
- An entrepreneur shall apply in prescribed form along with supporting documents mentioned in items 7 (1) in 15 sets thereof to the Chairman of the Site Appraisal Committee who is the Chief Inspector of Factories of the state
- The Site Appraisal Committee shall examine the application and make its recommendation to the State Government if satisfied
- The committee may call for additional documents, experts’ inspection report or other, depending on the suitability of the site.
- The Government shall consider the recommendation of the Site Appraisal Committee and grant permission accordingly.
- The Government may ask for additional report from the Site Appraisal Committee for its satisfaction
Stage 2
- The entrepreneur shall apply in prescribed form along with documents mentioned in items 7 (2) below to the Chief Inspector of Factories, Assam, Guwahati – 781040
- Submitted documents and drawings shall be examined and processed.
- If the approval is granted then one set of approved drawings shall be issued for construction of buildings, installation of machineries, etc. as per plans and specification
- If approval is rejected, fresh/corrected documents shall be sought for resubmission
Stage 3
- The entrepreneur shall apply for licensing and registration in prescribed form along with documents mentioned in items 7 (3) below
- Verification of application
- If granted then licence shall be issued.
- If objection arises then resubmission of corrected documents shall be sought for.
Forms to be filled
Prescribed form No. 1 and Form No.2 each in triplicate and Application for Site Appraisal in 15 copies all signed by the applicant.
Guidelines for filling up the form
- All the columns must be filled in ink in block letters or neatly typed and no column should be left blank.
- Address should be clear and complete with pin code.
- Manufacturing process should be specified in detail.
- Exact number of persons employed and amount of power (HP) connected/ used should be indicated.
- Manager may be any person appointed by the occupier/ licensee for the purpose of the Act. When no person is appointed as manager, the occupier shall be deemed to be manager for the purpose of the Act.
- Only the occupier / licensee’s particulars may be entered against specified category indicated in item no. 8 of Form No. 2
- Owner’s detail as per land/ building/ flat documents attached with the application may be entered
- Details of exact amount of fees as per schedule and the mode of payment should be entered.
- Owner’s detail as per land/ building/ flat documents attached with the application may be entered
- Signature with Mobile No. of Occupier/ licensee and manager in full (with seal if available) to be affixed in appropriate spaces provided for the same. These signatures shall be subjected to verification for all future correspondences.
Eligibility Criteria
An occupier / Licensee should have the following eligibility
- In case of proprietorship: Proprietor
- In case of partnership: Any one of the partners
- In case of Public Ltd Co. : Any one of the Directors
- In Case of Pvt. Ltd Co.: Anyone of the shareholders
- In Case of Govt. / Local Fund: Chief Administrative Head of the Unit
- If any person named against any of the categories is minor, the fact should be clearly stated
- In case of category (C) or (D) above if a managing agent has been appointed as occupier under the Indian Companies Act 1956 (1 of 1956) information only of that person should be furnished
Fees including the payment mode
Every application shall be accompanied by a treasury receipt in original, showing that the appropriate amount of fee has been paid into the local treasury under the head of Account “0230, Labour and Employment, 104 – Fees realised under the Factories Act,
Accompanying documents required
1) Stage – 1: Site Appraisal
- Application to the Site Appraisal Committee prescribed under Rule 61G(3)(b) (15 copies along with following documents)
- Land Documents (deed of ownership/ lease, indicating Dag No. & Patta No., Total Area, etc.)
- Clearance certificate from State/ Central Govt. under I.F.Act,1927 and E.P.Act,1986.
- N.O.C. from Local authority in respect of location of such factory
- Site Plan showing details as indicated in item 3.1(a)-(e) & 3.4 of the application format
- Block diagram of the buildings and installations, in the proposed site
- Clearance certificate from State/ Central Govt. under I.F.Act,1927 and E.P.Act,1986.
- Soil test report
- Contour Map of the area
- Project Report in detail
- Proposed Health and Safety Policy
- Meteorological data relating to the site (ref: Item No. 6.1 to 6.4 of the application format.)
- Process flow diagram with brief description of manufacturing process and technology
- Material Safety Data Sheet in respect of each hazardous substance
- Process Hazards Information (ref: Item No. 11.1 to 11.3 of the application format.)
- On-Site Emergency/ Disaster preparedness Plan and Off-Site Emergency Plan/ Mutual Aid Scheme
- On-Site Emergency/ Disaster preparedness Plan and Off-Site Emergency Plan/ Mutual Aid Scheme
- Articles of Association in case of a company along with list of directors/ shareholders
2) Stage – 2: Approval of Plans
- Form No. 1 Prescribed under Rule – 3 (in triplicate)
- Process Flow Diagram
- Brief write up on process and technology
- Plans in duplicate ( Blue Printed)
- drawn to scale showing the site of the factory and immediate surroundings including adjacent buildings and other structures, roads drains etc.
- drawn to scale showing the plan, elevation and necessary cross- section of the various buildings, including all relevant details relating to natural lighting, ventilation and means of escape in case of fire. The plan shall also clearly indicate the position of the plant and machinery, aisles, electrical panels, switches, motors with rated H.P. etc and passage ways.
- NOC from local authorities in respect of non- agricultural land, forest, wet land, hills, sanctuaries etc (SDG – 15, Assam vision 2030)
- Clearance certificate from the controller of explosives wherever applicable
- Certified true copy of executed deed of ownership/ lease/ allotment of land/ building/ flat etc.
3) Stage – 3: Registration and licencing
- Form No. 2 prescribed under Rule – 4 and Rule – 7 in triplicate
- Treasury Receipt in original, showing deposit of appropriate fees as per schedule A,B or C [Rule 5 – (1)]
- Executed Deed of Partnership in case of a firm or other association of individual and nomination of occupier/ licensee for the purpose of the Act.
- Articles of Association and Memorandum of Incorporation in case of a company under the Indian Companies Act 1956, and list of Directors/ Shareholders and resolution of B.O.D.’s for nomination of occupiers for the purpose of the Act.
- Appointment letter in respect of Chief Administrative head of the unit from the concerned Ministry/ Board in case of Govt. / Local Fund as occupier for the purpose of the Act.
Important Timeline
(A)For Permission of Site Appraisal
- Due date for submission: Any day during the year for which licence is applied for.
- Time for processing: 90 Days ( maximum)
(B)For Approval of Plan
- Due date for submission: Immediately after obtaining grant of permission for the Site from the Govt.
- Time for processing:- 45 Days (maximum).
(C)For Registration and licensing
- Due Date for submission: At least 15 (fifteen) days before the occupation or use any premises as a factory.
- Time for processing:- 45 Days (maximum).
How to Apply
- Make sure that you are eligible for applying (Review the eligibility checklist)
- Complete the forms to be filled
- Please check forms in documents
- Please click here to go to forms in documents
- Ensure that you attach the relevant documents
- Pay the requisite fees
Whom to contact for any queries
A. For Permission of Site Appraisal
Site Appraisal Committee. ,
O/o Chief Inspector of Factories, Assam,
N.P.S. School Lane, Betkuchi, Lokhra,
Guwahati – 781040, Assam
B. For Approval of Plans and Registration & Licensing:
i)For Zone – I (Jurisdiction of Senior Inspector of Factories, Zonal Factory Office, Guwahati.)
Name: - Addl. Chief Inspector of Factories, Assam, Betkuchi,Lokhra, Guwahati – 781040, Assam
Phone No.:
ii)For Zone – II (Jurisdiction of Senior Inspector of Factories, Zonal Factory Office, Dibrugarh and Zonal Factory Office, Jorhat.)
Name: - Addl. Chief Inspector of Factories, Assam, Betkuchi,Lokhra, Guwahati – 781040, Assam
Phone No.:
iii)For Zone – III (Jurisdiction of Senior Inspector of Factories, Zonal Factory Office, Bongaigaon)
Name: - Addl. Chief Inspector of Factories,Assam, Betkuchi,Lokhra, Guwahati – 781040, Assam
Phone No.:
Whether the service is offline or online
As of now, the service is online in the Office of the Chief Inspector of Factories, Assam, NPS International School Lane, Betkuchi, Lokhra, Guwahati-40, Assam.