List of Schedule Employment

Last Updated on: February 29, 2024

Schedule Employment under the Minimum Wages Act,1948.

The Schedule, (See Sections 2(g) and 27), PART I

  1. Employment in any woollen carpet making or shawl weaving establishment.
  2. Employment in any rice mill, flour mill or dal mill.
  3. Employment in any tobacco (including bidi making) manufactory.
  4. Employment in any plantation, that is to say, any estate which is maintained for the purpose of growing cinchona, rubber tea or coffee.
  5. Employment in any oil mill.
  6. Employment under any local authority.
  7. Employment on the construction or maintenance of roads or in building operations.
  8. Employment in stone breaking or stone crushing.
  9. Employment in any lac manufactory.
  10. Employment in any mica works.
  11. Employment in public motor transport.
  12. Employment in tanneries and leather manufactory.
  13. Employment in gypsum mines.
  14. Employment in barytes mines.
  15. Employment in bauxite mines.
  16. Employment in manganese miners.
  17. Employment in the maintenance of buildings and employment in construction and maintenance of runways.
  18. Employment in china clay mines.
  19. Employment in kyanite mines
  20. Employment in copper mines.
  21. Employment in clay mines covered under the Mines Act, 1952
  22. Employment in white clay mines.
  23. Employment in stone mines.
  24. Employment in steatile (including the mines producing soapstone and Tale.)
  25. Employment in ochre mines.
  26. Employment in fire clay mines
  27. Employment in chromite mines
  28. Employment in quartzite mines
  29. Employment in quartz mines
  30. Employment in silica mines
  31. Employment in feldspar mines
  32. Employment in laterite mines
  33. Employment in dolomite mines.
  34. Employment in redoxide mines.
  35. Employment in wolfram mines.
  36. Employment in iron ore mines.
  37. Employment in granite mines.
  38. Employment in rock mines.
  39. Employment in rock phosphate mines
  40. Employment in hematite mines.
  41. Employment in sericulture.
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